Beautiful Treasure
from Angel of Light
SATB Chorus, Soprano Solo
Duration: 2.5 Minutes
Text: Traditional Shaker, Canterbury, NH
Year: 2015
Commissioned by: Capitol Hill Chorale, Washington, DC
Premiered by: Capitol Hill Chorale, Frederick Binkholder, director, June 6 & 7, 2015
E. C. Schirmer “Dale Warland Choral Series” #8782
Beautiful Treasure is the penultimate movement of Angel of Light, a cantata based on Shaker texts and melodies. Adapted from a Shaker song from 1849, Beautiful Treasure serves as a reflective choral meditation on light, one of the cantata’s principal themes.
O the beautiful treasure laid up for the wise,
How precious the value, how glorious the prize.
Far brighter than diamonds on prince’s brow,
And richer than royalty can bestow.